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Yoga Today

Yoga Today is a newsletter that brings you the latest news, articles and discussions from across the yoga industry. You’ll uncover new stories, insights, research articles, resources and more from yoga practitioners, teachers and therapists across Australia.

Ayurvedic Marma Therapy

Marma Therapy: 20hr Professional Development Training with Dr Shishir Prasad. Saturday 1st June and Sunday 2nd June 2024

John Butler’s Running River

An interview with John Butler on the eve of his new meditation album launch. Includes exclusive free access to the album for Yoga Australia Members!

Goal of Yoga is Awakening

The Goal of Yoga is Awakening

When I am meeting new people and they learn that I am “into” yoga, what they think yoga is quickly becomes apparent. I know that you will find this familiar: “I know I should do yoga, but when I tried, I was not good at it, I am just not flexible enough” and also…

Earning an Income as a Yoga Teacher

As a self-regulated industry, pay and pricing for yoga teachers has typically been left to individuals to negotiate. Many people feel unclear and uncertain about how much to charge or pay.

Resources for teachers

Learn, create and expand your potential with online short courses and resources for teaching, building your yoga business, marketing your offerings, engaging your students and more.

Become a member

We’re here to support your yoga journey, every step of the way. Enjoy all the benefits, perks & partner discounts, resources, ongoing professional development, events, on-demand video library, dedicated support, and more included in your new membership.

Yoga Enthusiast


A Yoga Enthusiast is someone passionate about yoga but not currently earning an income from teaching.

Yoga Teacher-in-training


Ideal for someone currently undertaking a TT course. Free for anyone doing a Yoga Australia registered course.

Yoga Teacher

From $133/year

We welcome all Yoga Teachers at any level of experience who are keen to develop themselves and support the profession.

Yoga Therapist

$33/year (add-on)

For existing members who have taken an approved Yoga Therapist Course to work within this specialised space. This adds onto your teaching membership.

Featured CPD Short Courses

Expand your knowledge and up-level your skillset with our latest CPD Short Courses, presented by Yoga Australia Senior Teachers.

Menopause: Embrace Healing through Therapeutic Yoga and Complementary Therapies

With exciting new science in a variety of fields, now is the time to up-skill ourselves to better support ourselves and our clients.

Simon Borg-Olivier

Nervous System Health: Increase Oxygen While Lowering Heart Rate

Learn how to enhance blood flow, circulation and energy while maintaining a low heart rate and minimal stress on the body. Presented by Simon Borg-Olivier.

Spinal integrity in yoga

Spinal Integrity in Yoga

Explore ways to support your students in developing spinal awareness and integrity for a safer, more sustainable practice and improved wellbeing. Presented by Tamblyn Lord.

Abhyasa & Vairagya

Abhyasa & Vairagya Through the Iyengar Lens

Abhyasa and Vairagya describe the dual pathways of action and dispassion. This short subject introduces us to the twin pillars of Yoga. Presented by Alan Goode.

Thanks for all that Yoga Australia do to ensure a high quality of education for new trainings, and for being a collective voice for the industry. Keep up the great work!


What is yoga?

With its roots firmly grounded in ancient eastern teachings, Yoga is recognised as a traditional system of wisdom, principles and practices derived from the Vedic teachings of India.

Yoga takes a holistic approach to the integrated and innate wisdom of the human mind-body connection, with modern science nowadays beginning to uncover and fortify these ancient teachings and the many benefits this practice holds for your biological, psychological and sociological well-being. 

Ultimately, yoga is a tool that may be used for self-discovery, stress-management, physical health & fitness, and mental & emotional wellbeing. 

Yoga Australia is the peak national body for registration and representation of Yoga professionals from all traditions and styles of yoga, independent from any one lineage or training provider.

As the peak body for yoga in Australia, we actively advocate for positive change and improvement within the profession. This includes engaging with government and the health industry, lobbying for better pay and conditions for yoga teachers, promoting a broader understanding of yoga’s benefits for health and well-being, conducting industry forums, and collaborating with stakeholders both within and outside the yoga community.

What we do