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Chair Yoga, Hatha, Meditation and Yoga Nidra, Over 50s, Restorative Yoga

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Fuyuko Toyota is a dedicated and warm-hearted yoga and meditation teacher with an incredible journey spanning nearly 27 years. Since 1996, she has been passionately immersed in the practice and teaching of yoga, sharing her wisdom and guiding students along transformative paths.


As a certified iRest Yoga Nidra® Senior Trainer, Retreat Leader, Supervisor/Mentor, YA Senior Yoga Teacher, certified meditation teacher with Meditation Australia, and Yoga Therapist registered with IAYT, Fuyuko brings a profound understanding of ancient Nondual wisdom and the path of Yoga to her teachings. Her approach gently weaves iRest and Self-Inquiry into somatic body awareness and meditation at her Yoga studio, Prema Yoga, on the Gold Coast, Australia, and beyond.


Throughout her journey, Fuyuko has had the privilege of learning from exceptional mentors and teachers, including Richard Miller, who deepened her understanding of living life in a Non-Dual way, in harmony with all aspects of existence. This ever-deepening joy, astonishment, and Stillness in her own life have nurtured a heartfelt desire to share these precious teachings with humility.


Fuyuko’s teaching extends globally, as she guides students through iRest trainings and retreats in Australia, and offers valuable assistance in North America for Richard Miller and other senior trainers. Beyond the classroom, she extends her expertise to individual and small group classes, corporate yoga, restorative yoga, fundamental courses, workshops, simple meditation, and yoga nidra (iRest) for restoration and deep inner inquiry.


Deeply influenced by Donna Farhi’s authentic approach to Yogic teachings, Thomas Hanna’s Somatic movement awareness, and Richard Miller’s BodySensing Awareness, Fuyuko’s yogic practice emphasises body and breath awareness alongside movement principles in a comprehensive yet humble manner. She lovingly encourages students to find the inner teacher within and to develop profound communion with their body, mind, and spirit.


Overflowing with gratitude for the gifts of iRest and Yoga, Fuyuko humbly guides her students along the Yogic path, helping them uncover their true selves and leading them home to their own authentic nature.


Join Fuyuko on this transformative journey, where her nearly 27 years of experience, love, and radiant energy will inspire and empower you to live a life filled with joy, peace, and self-discovery.

iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation,  Hatha Yoga, Body-Sensing Yoga, Hanna Somatics, Restorative Yoga
